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"You have to start so you can finish"
Hi I'm Carla
I'm a record breaking professional ultra runner proudly representing HOKA. I'm also the founder of SCY for Runners: an online membership platform designed to enable runners to reach new heights whilst fostering a tight-knit community. As an elite athlete, I've had access to some of the best guidance in the world and I've seen how consistency and balance can change the game.
Alongside my own running goals, I'm on a mission to build a community of runners who achieve their goals, get injured less, and share their runner's high with their communities.
50km World Championships
Comrades Marathon Down Run
Comrades Marathon Up Run
Two Oceans Ultra Marathon
Two Oceans Ultra Marathon
LEJOG World Record
Weskus Marathon
Everything You Need to Run Further, Faster
SCY is a Strength, Conditioning & Yoga app made for Runners and brought to you by Carla Molinaro.
SCY membership includes:

Weekly 30-minute yoga for runners session

Weekly 30-minute strength & conditioning session

Access to the community and private Strava groups

Q&A sessions with running experts

Discounts from SCY running partners
7-day Free Trial. Cancel Anytime.