Hill Sprints

Hill Sprints

• Make sure that you are properly warmed up before trying these and ideally do them towards the end of your run…if you are tired don’t do them!
• Aim to run between 4 - 8 hills (some days it may be 4 others 8 just see how you feel) quality over quantity! I normally pick a spot on the hill and when I can’t reach that point anymore I stop and carry on with my easy run. 
• The hill wants to be between 10 -15% and on road or smooth trail. 
• Start at an easy pace on flatter ground and when you hit the hill sprint for around 10 secs taking a slow walk back to the start to recover.
• Stay relaxed but run tall and use your arms to power yourself up the hill.
• The aim of these hill sprints is to recruit as many muscles fibres as possible which will improve strength and speed…but it is not a full on session and shouldn’t leave you exhausted at the end!