Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendinopathy

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Aim: Complete this programme over a 8 week period, and try to increase the weights a bit every two weeks.


  • Smith Machine
  • Seated Calf raise machine or a wall and a weight
  • Stack of weights or a step to stand on

Weeks 1 - 4 (sets/reps stated next to each exercise)

  • Heavy Step Up (Smith Machine) - 3 x 8 each leg (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)
  • ISO Push Calf Raise (Smith Machine) - 3 sets x 3 x 25 secs (5 secs rest between sets / 1 min between reps) complete all on right side before moving to the left
  • Heavy Slow Calf Raise (Smith Machine) - 3 x 12 rep max (the weight should be heavy enough that you are failing on the last rep) (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)
  • Seated Calf Raise - 3 x 12 (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)

Weeks 5 - 8 (Increase weights)

  • Heavy Step Up (Smith Machine) - 4 x 6 each leg (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)
  • ISO Push Calf Raise (Smith Machine) - 3 sets x 4 x 25 secs (5 secs rest between sets / 1 min between reps) complete all on right side before moving to the left
  • Heavy Slow Calf Raise (Smith Machine) - 4 x 10 rep max (the weight should be heavy enough that you are failing on the last rep) (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)
  • Seated Calf Raise - - 3 x 12 (Minimum 1 min rest between sets)