Nutrition Q&A with Jenna (7 Feb 24)

Nutrition Q&A with Jenna (7 Feb 24)

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If you would like a 1-2-1 session with Jenna get in touch with her here. Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • If doing an ultra when is the best time and how should I use caffeine? (00:30)
  • Do you have any tips for fuelling for an ultra? (11:30)
  • I have heard that running fasted (especially for women) is a bad idea, but why is this? What quick breakfasts work well when you need to get out the door within 20-30 minutes of eating? (14:00)
  • How man carbs per kg/bw should I have before exercise? (18:20)
  • What are the best running workouts for weight loss - is it slow and steady or short and sharp speed work? (21:15)
  • Should you fuel before easy runs? (26:10)
  • When should I take salt tabs, before running / during? And how much? Is there anything to watch out for? (28:05)
  • How do you calculate how much sodium you use in an hour? (34:55)
  • Could dizziness/headaches/fatigue after a race be helped by electrolytes? (37:00)
  • What is a good vegan source of protein for recovery? (38:15)
  • What is the best recovery nutrition?(39:40)
  • What causes your tried and tested neutron plan not to work in a race?(45:30)
  • Would you limit fat intake in a recovery meal? Does it slow down protein/carb absorption? (43:30)
  • Can inadequate fuelling in a race lead to cramp? (50:10)
  • What is a good source of energy for a sensitive stomach? (54:10)
  • What supplements would you take for optimal health and performance? (56:45)