Physio Q&A with Parys (17 Jan 24)

Physio Q&A with Parys (17 Jan 24)

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Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • What is the best way to use a massage gun? (2:30)
  • I had an MRI that showed osteoarthritis on my foot and some oedema as well as Mortons neuroma, tendonitis and a tear of my Post Tib. What can I do? (6:00)
  • Do you have any tips for loosening muscles up a bit? I’m 15 months post partum but still really struggling with muscle stiffness especially my hips which is giving me sciatica. Is regular massage the way to go or should I be doing more flexibility training? (14:45)
  • During a 12hr event I developed some soreness in the sole of my right foot. I have never had PF before, but it's showing all the classic signs! I can still run on it with about 3/10 discomfort, but what is the best approach? Is it likely to get steadily worse if I don't stop or greatly reduce my miles? (17:30)
  • Are there any good prehab that Parys would recommend to stop shin problems? Are are there any good resource e.g. videos that Parys would recommend for taping techniques? (25 mins)
  • I have a hip impingement and labral tear ( as well as some insertional tendinopathy in the glute med - I think that's right) and have been seeing a physio for around 18 months with varying results. Acupuncture and manipulation have worked really well to relieve the pain that builds up and I'm doing loads of specific strengthening work but the root of the problem still exists. My question is about steroid injections or surgery to shave the impingement. I wondered if the physio had any experience with this in terms of seeing runners coming back to running after either of these treatments? (30:15)
  • I picked up a niggle in my knee after falling on the trails 10 days ago. Initially thought it was just bruising but the pain hasn’t really subsided. The pain is on the outside of the knee/just below the knee cap. What can I do to help? I have a trail half marathon at the start of March. Would it be advisable to pull out? (33:50)
  • My big toe gets painful and numb when I run and I have a bunion on the side of my foot. I also get a pain in the front of my knee on the down run of Comrades. What can I do? (36:45)