Podiatry Q&A with Ian (22 May 24)

Podiatry Q&A with Ian (22 May 24)

Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • How do I know if my shoes are the right size? (2:15)
  • Why do toe nails go black? (7:10)
  • Why do toes claw in shoes? (8:25)
  • Should you leave calasus on your feet or remove them? (9:14)
  • I am getting bunions and struggling to find shoes any tips or is it time for surgery? (13:30)
  • My toes are getting sore and going black when I run, what can I do? (18:00)
  • What are your thoughts on carbon shoes? Do you have to be a certain speed to wear them? (27:25)
  • What can be done about neuromas? (29:30)
  • What are shin splints and how can I fix them? (34:00)
  • My feet are going numb when I run up hill. What is causing this? (40:00)
  • When should you change your running shoes? (41:55) + (51:20)
  • I have had a bit of a swelling that comes and goes just at the base of my big toe. It’s not painful but the flexibility of my big toe on this foot is comparatively rubbish. The kneeling exercises in SCY are helping with that, but any idea what it may be? (45:20)