November 10, 2017

It’s the days between Christmas and New Year where we are all in this limbo waiting for the next celebration to arrive and I want to go on an adventure! I pitched the idea of running from London to Paris to all my running buddies and the only one brave enough to accept the challenge was Adam. Meeting him at 8am in the snow at Marble Arch (our starting point) I hoped he knew what he had signed up for.

The plan was to break the 162miles into 4 days, the first night sleeping on the ferry and the subsequent two nights sleeping in little French gites which was perfect. The day before we started my dad said he felt like going away too so he was team support and would resupply us with tasty treats along the way!

We spent the next 4 days running in the rain, snow and sunshine through the beautiful English and French countryside as we sought out patisseries and snacked on chocolate eclairs as we headed towards Paris! The route wound it’s way on bike paths and country lanes and it felt really fun to be heading towards the capital of France! I am not going to lie it was tough and trying to get running each morning once your legs had seized up was a bit emotional but the promise of cake for breakfast made it worth it!

After 4 days, 25 hours and 23 minutes of running and 162 miles we had arrived in Paris and of course found THE BEST cake shop in Paris to celebrate. Our celebrations didn’t last long as I had to work that night so we quickly took some pictures and then drove back to London…it’s one way to get back to reality!