Physio Q&A with Parys (26 Oct 22)

Physio Q&A with Parys (26 Oct 22)

Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • I have a pain on the side of my hip on my pelvis, what can I do to ease it? (00:00)
  • Impingement on right ankle (10:10)
  • My foot goes numb after 30mins of running, why is this? (22:55)
  • The inside of my left knee is sore - impingement behind kneecap (26:22)
  • My achilles on my right leg has been a bit sore on and off for quite some time now. There's no tear or rupture or anything and it's not been such severe pain that I've felt the need to book a physio appointment. Is it safe to run easy on it or should I go for complete rest until I no longer feel pain? (33:30)
  • I have a prolapsed disc and I have been doing the Mackenzies daily which I think have helped. I have started some gentle running but occasionally get a dull ache in my lower back and in my glutes. Does this mean I should stop running for longer? (38:50)
  • I noticed a niggle after a trail run this am that about 8 cm up from the ankle bone on the right leg but before the shin is sensitive. Any suggestions to avoid it developing more? (40:45)
  • I've got a bit of tenderness on the sides of my left achilles. It doesn't hurt when I run or walk but can be slightly stiff after running. I also get pretty tight calves on both legs, but right achilles is fine. Any recommendations for stretching, strengthening etc? (42:30)
  • The cuboid in my foot is a bit sore, what could this be? (45:20) 
  • Do you have any advice for keeping plantar fasciitis away? (49:12)
  • If you suffer from ITB pain is sitting cross legged a good idea? Does it stretch it in a good way or not, it makes it niggle so I try to avoid it, but am I doing any harm? (52:28)
  • In August I ran most of the NDW100 before DNFing at 91 miles. Part of the reason for me was water retention – as daybreak came I started needing to wee very often and it felt wrong. When I got to the finish I felt incredibly bloated. I weighed myself the next morning and weighed half a stone more than normal and I took 2 or 3 days to go back to normal. What could this be? (53:50)
  • My knee hurts in the single leg bent knee calf raises, what could this be? (57:30)