Physio Q&A with Parys 1 Dec 2021

Physio Q&A with Parys 1 Dec 2021

Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • I have a bruise to the ball of my foot what could this be? (01:45)
  • Patella femoral pain to my knee that hurts if I run 2 days in a row and an imbalance to my hips how can I improve this? (05:13)
  • Knee pain whilst cycling? (18:40)
  • Knee pain that has stopped me 50 miles into a 100 mile race twice, what could it be? (20:00)
  • Unilateral pain to my SI joint. (27:30)
  • Pain in my hamstring tendon, what can I do to help it? (31:00)
  • My 2nd toe gets swollen if I push pressure through it. (34:00)
  • I have sprained my ankle how can I recover from this? (43:30)
  • What could have caused iliiopsoas bursitis? (49:15)
  • Pain in the middle of my hamstring? (52:45)