Physio Q&A with Parys (29 Nov 23)

Physio Q&A with Parys (29 Nov 23)

Topics Covered (time in video in brackets):

  • Bottom of my shin near my foot is sore and swollen, what can I do? (00:20)
  • Niggle in the front of my hip and a pain to the side of my hip at the top of my femur, it's not a stress fracture and it's not getting better, what can I do? (9:10)
  • If I do a fast or long run I get a pain at the top of my hamstring and I have an ITB flare up. I am not sure if it is all linked? (25:50)
  • I recently had pain during a run on the Achilles after an extended time off after some non - musculoskeletal related surgery. I am still strengthening and started back some runs at 20min, 30 mins etc alternating days all good . But when I got up t0 45 mins and tried 20 mins the following day it was a bit niggly again.What can I do? (35:00)
  • I get pain on the inside of my right knee (just below the knee joint) which radiates from my knee up the inside of my thigh, and then varies up to my hip flexor/across my pubic bone or sometimes into my rectum. It’s like a nerve pain, like biting into ice cream with a sore tooth!  It is generally fine whilst I’m running, but can often be very painful after a long run when I walk or when I lie in bed.  I can manage it with standard pain killers but it hasn’t gone away for years and flares up for periods of time that are then very frustrating. Any ideas, thoughts, theories would be much appreciated? (39:45)
  • I have a sore right Achilles. I have seen a physio in person and have been doing the exercises prescribed. Your sessions have also helped. I find that it doesn’t hurt too much after short runs but gets very sore anything longer than 21km. I’m about to start training for the London Marathon and would love some advice on strengthening my Achilles as I train and if trainers with a higher heel drop might also be helpful? (44:55)
  • I recently rolled my right ankle on the trails, I RICE-d it then rested for a couple of weeks before I started running again. 2 months after the initial injury, it's still a bit niggly. It has felt sore even hiking on technical trails, so I've been sticking to road running, which generally feels fine. But I still can't fully flatten the top of my foot on the floor (e.g. in child's pose) or comfortably wear heels. I'd love some advice on rehab exercises, please – I'm keen to get back to the trails, but I don't want to keep aggravating my ankle. (49:10)
  • I am recovering from a hamstring tendinopathy which also resulted in a severe calf strain. I rested from running for a full 3 weeks in November. And have slowly reintroduced 30 min/ 45 mins and now a 60 min run. All Very Slow. How do I know when I can start introducing quality sessions again - speed and hill work? (53:10)
  • I slipped on a wet ceramic floor about 5 weeks ago and went down like a sack of potatoes. My right knee twisted inwards when I fell but I did not feel any pain at the time, nor was there any swelling. A few days later I realised something was amiss - I felt pain when I knelt down to get something.  So, when my knee is bending beyond approximately 120 degrees.  I also feel the same pain when I try to kneel, or do childs pose for example. The pain is on the inner right hand side of my knee. It doesn't hurt when I walk or run, only when the knee is bent beyond a certain angle. It wasn't sore when I ran a marathon recently. What can I do? (55:45)
  • I’m a 57 year old mid-pack marathon runner.  The last few months my left knee has been making crackling sounds during squats & lunges. Like newspaper being crumpled. No pain, just a nasty sound. Any advice? (59:05)
  • I strained my hamstring in June; my physio said it was a grade one strain. I had been doing high milage for Comrades without any hint of pain at any stage - anywhere in my legs! In my taper I was doing strides and I felt it like an electrical current. I withdrew from Comrades and only did light runs as the strain didn’t prevent me from running slowly. Since then it has been an on-off issue - where the feeling, when it manifests, is mostly lack of movement and stiffness. Do I need to rest entirely, and for how long, or can it be managed whilst running and still return to 100% over time? Should I be focussing strength on the hamstring or the surrounding muscles? (1:01:50)